1 module nt;
3 import rmathd.common;
4 import rmathd.t;
5 import rmathd.normal;
6 import rmathd.beta;
7 import rmathd.chisq;
10 /* 
11 ** toms708.d 
12 ** dmd nt.d common.d t.d normal.d beta.d chisq.d && ./nt
13 */
16 T dnt(T)(T x, T df, T ncp, int give_log)
17 {
18     T u;
19     mixin R_D__0!give_log;
21     if (isNaN(x) || isNaN(df))
22 	    return x + df;
25     /* If non-positive df then error */
26     if (df <= 0.0)
27     	return T.nan;
29     if(ncp == 0.0)
30     	return dt!T(x, df, give_log);
32     /* If x is infinite then return 0 */
33     if(!isFinite(x))
34 	return R_D__0;
36     /* If infinite df then the density is identical to a
37        normal distribution with mean = ncp.  However, the formula
38        loses a lot of accuracy around df=1e9
39     */
40     if(!isFinite(df) || df > 1e8)
41 	return dnorm!T(x, ncp, 1., give_log);
43     /* Do calculations on log scale to stabilize */
45     /* Consider two cases: x ~= 0 or not */
46     if (fabs(x) > sqrt(df * DBL_EPSILON)) {
47 	u = log(df) - log(fabs(x)) +
48 	    log(fabs(pnt!T(x*sqrt((df + 2)/df), df + 2, ncp, 1, 0) -
49 		     pnt!T(x, df, ncp, 1, 0)));
50 	/* FIXME: the above still suffers from cancellation (but not horribly) */
51     }
52     else {  /* x ~= 0 : -> same value as for  x = 0 */
53 	u = lgammafn!T((df+1)/2) - lgammafn!T(df/2)
54 	    - (M_LN_SQRT_PI + .5*(log(df) + ncp*ncp));
55     }
57     return (give_log ? u : exp(u));
58 }
62 T pnt(T)(T t, T df, T ncp, int lower_tail, int log_p)
63 {
64     T albeta, a, b, del, errbd, lambda, rxb, tt, x;
65     real geven, godd, p, q, s, tnc, xeven, xodd;
66     int it, negdel;
68     /* note - itrmax and errmax may be changed to suit one's needs. */
70     const int itrmax = 1000;
71     const static T errmax = 1.0e-12;
73     if (df <= 0.0)
74     	return T.nan;
75     if(ncp == 0.0)
76     	return pt!T(t, df, lower_tail, log_p);
78     if(!isFinite(t))
79 	    return (t < 0) ? R_DT_0!T(lower_tail, log_p) : R_DT_1!T(lower_tail, log_p);
80     if (t >= 0.) {
81 	    negdel = 0; tt = t;	 del = ncp;
82     } else {
83 	    /* We deal quickly with left tail if extreme,
84 	       since pt(q, df, ncp) <= pt(0, df, ncp) = \Phi(-ncp) */
85 	    if (ncp > 40 && (!log_p || !lower_tail))
86 	    	return R_DT_0!T(lower_tail, log_p);
87 	    negdel = 1;	tt = -t; del = -ncp;
88     }
90     if (df > 4e5 || del*del > 2*M_LN2*(-(DBL_MIN_EXP))) {
91 	    /*-- 2nd part: if del > 37.62, then p=0 below
92 	      FIXME: test should depend on `df', `tt' AND `del' ! */
93 	    /* Approx. from	 Abramowitz & Stegun 26.7.10 (p.949) */
94 	    s = 1./(4.*df);
96 	    return pnorm!T(cast(T)(tt*(1. - s)), del,
97 	    	     sqrt(cast(T) (1. + tt*tt*2.*s)),
98 	    	     lower_tail != negdel, log_p);
99     }
101     /* initialize twin series */
102     /* Guenther, J. (1978). Statist. Computn. Simuln. vol.6, 199. */
104     x = t * t;
105     rxb = df/(x + df);/* := (1 - x) {x below} -- but more accurately */
106     x = x / (x + df);/* in [0,1) */
107     //#ifdef DEBUG_pnt
108     //    REprintf("pnt(t=%7g, df=%7g, ncp=%7g) ==> x= %10g:",t,df,ncp, x);
109     //#endif
110     if (x > 0.) {/* <==>  t != 0 */
111 	lambda = del * del;
112 	p = .5 * exp(-.5 * lambda);
113     //#ifdef DEBUG_pnt
114     //	REprintf("\t p=%10Lg\n",p);
115     //#endif
116 	if(p == 0.) { /* underflow! */
118 	    /*========== really use an other algorithm for this case !!! */
119 	    //ML_ERROR(ME_UNDERFLOW, "pnt");
120         //ML_ERROR(ME_RANGE, "pnt"); /* |ncp| too large */
121 	    //assert(0, "underflow error in pnt");
122 	    //assert(0, "range error in pnt");
123 	    return R_DT_0!T(lower_tail, log_p);
124 	}
125     //#ifdef DEBUG_pnt
126     //	REprintf("it  1e5*(godd,   geven)|          p           q           s"
127     //	       /* 1.3 1..4..7.9 1..4..7.9|1..4..7.901 1..4..7.901 1..4..7.901 */
128     //		 "        pnt(*)     errbd\n");
129     //	       /* 1..4..7..0..34 1..4..7.9*/
130     //#endif
131 	q = M_SQRT_2dPI * p * del;
132 	s = .5 - p;
133 	/* s = 0.5 - p = 0.5*(1 - exp(-.5 L)) =  -0.5*expm1(-.5 L)) */
134 	if(s < 1e-7)
135 	    s = -0.5 * expm1(-0.5 * lambda);
136 	a = .5;
137 	b = .5 * df;
138 	/* rxb = (1 - x) ^ b   [ ~= 1 - b*x for tiny x --> see 'xeven' below]
139 	 *       where '(1 - x)' =: rxb {accurately!} above */
140 	rxb = pow(rxb, b);
141 	albeta = M_LN_SQRT_PI + lgammafn!T(b) - lgammafn!T(.5 + b);
142 	xodd = pbeta!T(x, a, b, /*lower*/1, /*log_p*/0);
143 	godd = 2. * rxb * exp(a * log(x) - albeta);
144 	tnc = b * x;
145 	xeven = (tnc < DBL_EPSILON) ? tnc : 1. - rxb;
146 	geven = tnc * rxb;
147 	tnc = p * xodd + q * xeven;
149 	/* repeat until convergence or iteration limit */
150 	for(it = 1; it <= itrmax; it++) {
151 	    a += 1.;
152 	    xodd  -= godd;
153 	    xeven -= geven;
154 	    godd  *= x * (a + b - 1.) / a;
155 	    geven *= x * (a + b - .5) / (a + .5);
156 	    p *= lambda / (2 * it);
157 	    q *= lambda / (2 * it + 1);
158 	    tnc += p * xodd + q * xeven;
159 	    s -= p;
160 	    /* R 2.4.0 added test for rounding error here. */
161 	    if(s < -1.0e-10) { /* happens e.g. for (t,df,ncp)=(40,10,38.5), after 799 it.*/
162 		//ML_ERROR(ME_PRECISION, "pnt");
163         //assert(0, "precision error int pnt");
165         //#ifdef DEBUG_pnt
166         //		REprintf("s = %#14.7Lg < 0 !!! ---> non-convergence!!\n", s);
167         //#endif
168 		goto finis;
169 	    }
170 	    if(s <= 0 && it > 1) goto finis;
171 	    errbd = cast(T)(2. * s * (xodd - godd));
172         //#ifdef DEBUG_pnt
173         //	    REprintf("%3d %#9.4g %#9.4g|%#11.4Lg %#11.4Lg %#11.4Lg %#14.10Lg %#9.4g\n",
174         //		     it, 1e5*(double)godd, 1e5*(double)geven, p, q, s, tnc, errbd);
175         //#endif
176 	    if(fabs(errbd) < errmax) goto finis;/*convergence*/
177 	}
178 	/* non-convergence:*/
179 	//ML_ERROR(ME_NOCONV, "pnt");
180 	assert(0, "non-convergence in pnt");
181     } else { /* x = t = 0 */
182 	    tnc = 0.;
183     }
184  finis:
185     tnc += pnorm!T(- del, 0., 1., /*lower*/1, /*log_p*/0);
187     lower_tail = lower_tail != negdel; /* xor */
188     if(tnc > 1 - 1e-10 && lower_tail){
189     	//ML_ERROR(ME_PRECISION, "pnt{final}");
190     	assert(0, "precision error in pnt");
191     }
193     return R_DT_val!T(fmin2!T(cast(T)tnc, 1),  lower_tail, log_p);
194 }
196 /* Currently returns the wrong answer! */
197 T qnt(T)(T p, T df, T ncp, int lower_tail, int log_p)
198 {
199     const static T accu = 1e-13;
200     const static T Eps = 1e-11; /* must be > accu */
202     T ux, lx, nx, pp;
204     if (isNaN(p) || isNaN(df) || isNaN(ncp))
205 	return p + df + ncp;
207     /* Was
208      * df = floor(df + 0.5);
209      * if (df < 1 || ncp < 0) ML_ERR_return_NAN;
210      */
211     if (df <= 0.0)
212     	return T.nan;
214     if(ncp == 0.0 && df >= 1.0)
215     	return qt!T(p, df, lower_tail, log_p);
217     immutable(T) NINF = -T.infinity;
218     immutable(T) INF = T.infinity;
219     mixin (R_Q_P01_boundaries!(p, NINF, INF)());
221     if (!isFinite(df)) // df = Inf ==> limit N(ncp,1)
222 	    return qnorm!T(p, ncp, 1., lower_tail, log_p);
224     mixin R_DT_qIv!p;
225     p = R_DT_qIv;
227     /* Invert pnt(.) :
228      * 1. finding an upper and lower bound */
229     if(p > 1 - DBL_EPSILON)
230     	return INF;
231     pp = fmin2!T(1 - DBL_EPSILON, p * (1 + Eps));
232     for(ux = fmax2!T(1., ncp);
233 	ux < DBL_MAX && pnt!T(ux, df, ncp, 1, 0) < pp;
234 	ux *= 2){}
235     pp = p * (1 - Eps);
236     for(lx = fmin2(-1., -ncp);
237 	(lx > -DBL_MAX) && (pnt!T(lx, df, ncp, 1, 0) > pp);
238 	lx *= 2){}
240     /* 2. interval (lx,ux)  halving : */
241     do {
242 	nx = 0.5 * (lx + ux); // could be zero
243 	if (pnt!T(nx, df, ncp, 1, 0) > p)
244 		ux = nx;
245 	else
246 		lx = nx;
247     }
248     while ((ux - lx) > accu * fmax2!T(fabs(lx), fabs(ux)));
250     return 0.5 * (lx + ux);
251 }
254 T rnt(T)(T df, T ncp)
255 {
256 	return rnorm!T(ncp, 1.)/sqrt(rchisq!T(df)/df);
257 }
260 void test_nt()
261 {
262 	import std.stdio: writeln;
263 	writeln("dnt: ", dnt(2., 40., 2., 0));
264 	writeln("pnt: ", pnt(3., 40., 2., 1, 0));
265 	writeln("pnt (wrong answer): ", pnt(-3., 40., 2., 1, 0));
266 	//writeln("qnt: ", qnt(0.7, 40., 1., 1, 0));
267 	writeln("rnt: ", rnt(40., 2.), ", rnt: ", rnt(40., 2.), ", rnt: ", rnt(40., 2.));
268 }